When counseling funds were severely cut to the Taos Municipal School District, TBH clinicians responded by offering individual counseling at the school site to students in need.
We now offer both individual and group counseling to more than 200 Taos County youth.
We also work with the Juvenile Probation Office and the Juvenile Detention Center to provide individual and group counseling and nonviolence awareness classes to court-referred offenders.
Enrollment Procedure
- First, download and complete the TBH referral form and mail or deliver it to our offices at the address shown below. You may also pick up the form at the TBH offices or your child’s school.
- Have the parent or guardian sign the Informed Consent and Release of Information Form (available at TBH’s office).
- A therapist at TBH will call and schedule a comprehensive assessment to gather pertinent information.
- A treatment plan will be developed by the therapist and signed by the parent or guardian.
- At this point, the TBH therapist will begin supporting the child at the school site.
How to Make a Referral
If you would like to refer a student to one of the Taos Behavioral Health programs, please email Simon Torrez or call him at 575-758-4297